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G.K. Chesterton; The Flying Inn

"The flood made of a million emeralds was ebbing as slowly as the sun was sinking; but the river of human nonsense flowed on forever."

"I think modern people have somehow got they're minds all wrong about human life. They seem to expect what Nature has never promised; and then try to ruin all that Nature has really given."

"And every truth a man has found out as a man of science is always subtly different from any truth he has found out as a man; because a man's family, friends, habits, and social type have always got well under way before he has thoroughly learnt the theory of anything."

"It is wonderful how easily one outlives someone else's crucifixion."

"...that timeless clock of all lunatics..."

"The next best thing to really loving a fellow creature is really hating him: especially when he is a poorer man, separated from you otherwise by mere social stiffness. The desire to murder him is at least an acknowledgement that he is alive."

"His face was of the rubicund sort that does not suggest jollity, but merely a stagnant indigestion in the head."

O Liberty, what very complicated and even unsatisfactory social developments are committed in thy name!"

"There are crowds who do not care to revolt; but there are not crowds who do not like someone else to do it for them, a fact which the safest oligarchs may be wise to learn."

"It seems like yesterday! But it is, of course, today."

"It's something between the taste of your first sugar-stick and the fag end of your father's cigar. It's as innocent as heaven, and as hot as hell. It tastes like a paradox. It tastes like a prehistoric inconsistency."


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